Mastering Conflict- Successfully Managing Angry & Emotional Clients

Thursday, October 29, 2020 12:30 AM to 1:00 AM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


Mastering Conflict. Successfully Managing Angry & Emotional Clients

 Lincoln Institutes recent research into the global veterinary shortage confirms that managing clients, expectations around clinical outcomes and costs of treatment is a major source of stress and anxiety for veterinarians. Equally, client complaints weigh heavily on the mindset of veterinarians, often having a profound deleterious impact on professional fulfillment. In this presentation Dr Gary Turnbull will explore the fundamental nature of client complaints, why they occur and how to proactively minimize their occurrence in the first place. 

He will share a series of advanced communication techniques to enhance ones ability to listen, demonstrate empathy and defuse emotionally charged situations rapidly. Delegates will also learn simple techniques to better manage their own emotional responses to stress, placing them in a superior state of mind to successfully manage these potentially volatile interactions. 

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