Lincoln Institute

Gold Sponsor


Your people are your greatest challenge…

Lead them well and they become your greatest asset.

The Lincoln Institute is a leadership development organization providing Leadership Training, Education, Bench-marking and Business Development Strategy to Veterinary Business predominantly in Australia and New Zealand and online globally.

Founded in 2011, Lincoln Institute is well recognized as the go to leadership development organization for the veterinary profession.

Whilst typical practice owners are highly skilled clinicians, they often lack any formal training in business leadership and management. Consequently, most veterinary, businesses never reach their potential and their owners are frequently frustrated by poor work-life balance and financial under-performance and high staff turnover.

We equip senior personnel to deliver sound business strategy with clarity and purpose whilst the owner leverages themselves out of the business to the extent of their own choosing. In addition, we offer virtually delivered onsite team-based training to maximise staff engagement, accountability and retention.

The Lincoln Institute Team don’t just “Talk the Talk”

All four of the Lincoln Institute’s Directors are highly successful business leaders in their own right who have “walked the talk” when it comes to the successful implementation of Leadership and Business strategy within their own businesses. 

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