Mining Solutions | Reliable, Clean Power for Remote Locations

Mining Solutions | Reliable, Clean Power for Remote Locations

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GUARANTEED SECURE AND CLEAN POWER 247Solar Plants™ are ideally suited to mining applications in remote areas and where electricity supply is unreliable. They provide highly reliable, uninterrupted power for mining, processing, and ancillary operations at very low operating costs, while eliminating the disadvantages of conventional power technologies. HIGH RELIABILITY Close proximity of 247Solar Plants to the mine means minimal voltage drops during peak load requirements. Proximity to the mine also means that additional equipment such as shovels, drills, and pumps can benefit from a sustainable power supply, further reducing costs and emissions. RAPID CONSTRUCTION, PHASED IMPLEMENTATION 247Solar Plants use mostly factory-built components, making installation and commissioning timeframes short. Due to their modular design, the first 400kW plant typically can begin supplying power in 6-8 months from the time of confirmed order, with completion of 10MW in 12-15 months. Power for mine development, construction, pre-production, and production phases can be supplied incrementally, allowing for staged financing. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL BENEFITS 247Solar Plants use no water and require minimal maintenance. 247Solar technology enables mining operations to significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to corporate social responsibility initiatives. Local communities and other social facilities may also benefit both immediately and after the mine has ceased operation, as the Plants can continue to supply local communities or be wholly or partially relocated to other sites.

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