Lead Sponsors
247Solar, Inc. was formed in 2015 by solar industry pioneer Bruce Anderson to
commercialize the 247Solar Plant™, using technology originated at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Bruce began his solar career with
his master’s thesis at MIT on the subject of solar energy.
In 1985, Bruce became the first recipient of the American Solar Energy Society’s
Lifetime Solar Contribution Award. He later served on the National Advisory
Board of the Solar Energy Research Institute, now the National Renewable Energy
Institute (NREL).
In 2009, Anderson realized that a breakthrough high-efficiency heat exchanger,
invented by MIT mechanical engineering professor Dr. David Gordon Wilson, and
being developed by the company they formed together, Wilson TurboPower, would
enable an entirely new approach to concentrated solar power (CSP) with higher performance and lower cost.
In 2010 the U.S. Department of Energy awarded the company $6 million to further
advance the technology, and the engineering of key components began. In 2015,
Anderson formed 247Solar and acquired Wilson TurboPower’s solar technology.
In 2018, 247Solar received private investment capital to enable the engineering
and construction of its first full-scale 247Solar Plant. The Commercial
Demonstrator, under construction at the Company’s Arizona facility, will
commence operation in early 2022.