


Start-up your cashflow!

At o2Factoring we believe that startups and entrepreneurs like yourself should not have to wait 30+ days to get invoices paid. It may stand in the way of your company’s growth and a healthy cashflow. That is why we help startups, entrepreneurs and SMEs by paying invoices within 24hrs. And as part of the package we take care of accounts receivable management and cover for bankruptcy risk. This way you save energy and time. You’ll have more time to focus on what is really important to you and your business. We therefore propose to rephrase "time is money” into "money is time"! Let’s meet and talk about your business so we can together discover whether factoring is a good solution for you to take the next step with your business!

Looking for
Startups, entrepreneurs and SMEs who are sending invoices and are looking to achieve a healthy cashflow.
Investor type
Growth stage
Seed (<10 people, <1M funding or revenue)
Solution scope
Hardware + Software
AgricultureBiotechChemicalsCleantechClimate techConsumer electronicsDatingEducationEnergyEngineering and manufacturingEngineering and manufacturing equipmentEquipmentEnterprise softwareEvent techFashionFintechFoodGamingHealthHome livingHostingInsurtechJobs recruitmentKidsLegalMarketingMediaMusicProptechReal estateRoboticsSecuritySemiconductorsService providerSocial techSpaceSportsTelecomTransportationTravelWellness beauty

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