Arches Capital



Arches Capital is a fast-growing group of business angels that is bridging the gap between Venture Capitalist (VCs) and how angels operate today, by joining the best of both worlds for our members.

Our community strives to bring superior deal flow, professional knowledge and lower risk profile to our participating angel investors. We further distinguish ourselves in the way profits are generated and shared, and how our angels interact with their investees (the startups) and with each other. For this we are building the leading platform of actively engaged business angels that know how to operate and manage their investments in a professional and standardized manner.

Operate like a VC, be an Angel;

We source, select and invest like a VC;

We engage, care and inspire as the angel we are.

Looking for
Great founders!
Investor type
Venture Capital
Growth stage
Seed (<10 people, <1M funding or revenue)
Solution scope
Pre-seedSeedSeries A
Enterprise software

Social media

Contact details
