Hammersmith & Fulham. Award Winning Scheme using VTX Air

Hammersmith & Fulham. Award Winning Scheme using VTX Air

Case Studies


Discover how Hammersmith & Fulham used VTX Air to build award winning traffic congestion & pollution reduction schemes within just 12 months of installation. Densest Air Quality Monitoring network in Europe gave the detailed insight needed to make an impact with targeted actions. The council now have a greater understanding of pollution source apportionment. VTX Air runs on the VTX Mesh network which allowed LBHF to combine street-level air quality data with other smart data such as traffic technologies. This approach enables LBHF to manage traffic in real-time and develop dynamic policies to tackle air pollution. PM2.5 PM10 NO2 Traffic Data Not only were LBHF able to make smarter decisions, they were also able to use the same system to validate their pollution reduction initiatives. Download the full case study below.