
Natalie Alderson
Natalie AldersonDirector, Customer Relationship ManagementX-energy Canada
Jay-An Arandia
Jay-An ArandiaManager, Strategic InitiativesCSA Group
Frédéric Beauregard Tellier
Frédéric Beauregard TellierDirector General, Nuclear Energy and Infrastructure Security BranchEnergy Systems Sector, Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
Jeff Bonham
Jeff BonhamVice President, BLM – OGC & Energy TransitionKiewit Construction Services ULC
Susan Brissette
Susan BrissetteFounder & Principal ConsultantWild Matriarch Inc.
Lindsay Caldwell
Lindsay CaldwellHead of Investment OperationsCanada Infrastructure Bank
Diane Cameron
Diane CameronHead of the Nuclear Technology Development and Economics DivisionOECD Nuclear Energy Agency
Heather Carmichael
Heather CarmichaelExecutive Director, Priority Initiatives, Affordability and UtilitiesGovernment of Alberta
Allison Champion
Allison ChampionManager, Nuclear Regulatory AffairsSaskPower
Mark Chapeskie
Mark ChapeskieVP of Program DevelopmentElectricity Human Resources Canada
George Christidis
George ChristidisPresident & Chief Executive OfficerCanadian Nuclear Association
Vinod Chugh
Vinod ChughFounder and PresidentPower Generation Integrated
Anthony Ciccone
Anthony CicconeSenior Vice President - Global Nuclear SectorWSP Canada
Leonard Clewett
Leonard ClewettExecutive Vice-President, Nuclear DevelopmentSaskPower
William Cook
William CookProfessor & Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering/ Director, Centre for Nuclear Energy ResearchUniversity of New Brunswick
Steven Coupland
Steven CouplandPresidentSGC Research
Colleen d'Entremont
Colleen d'EntremontStrategic Energy AdvisorÉnergie NB Power
Chantelle de Jonge
Chantelle de JongeParliamentary Secretary for Affordability and Utilities & MLA for Chestermere-StrathmoreGovernment of Alberta
Alan Deane
Alan DeaneCouncillor, Division 3 Whitecourt CentralWoodlands County
Luke Dolenc
Luke DolencBoard of Directors | Canadian Operating OfficerNorth American Young Generation in Nuclear Inc.
Bruce Duong
Bruce DuongSenior Program Manager, Clean EnergyAlberta Innovates
Sandra Dykxhoorn
Sandra DykxhoornVP New Nuclear GrowthOPG
Lydia Fialka
Lydia FialkaDistrict Energy Strategy LeadCity of Edmonton
His Worship Adrian Foster
His Worship Adrian FosterMayorMunicipality of Clarington
Riley Found
Riley FoundDirector, Business Development - New Nuclear GrowthOntario Power Generation
His Worship Rod Frank
His Worship Rod FrankMayorStrathcona County
Josef Freundorfer
Josef FreundorferPresidentNuclear Potential Canada (NPC), a division of Freundhof Inc.
Karen Fritz
Karen FritzSenior Vice President, Nuclear Market Leader | Energy, Resources & IndustryWSP Canada
His Worship Allan Gamble
His Worship Allan GambleMayorParkland County
Cameron Gingrich
Cameron GingrichPresident and CEOIncorrys