
Matthew Day
Matthew DayExecutive DirectorWR Community Energy
Justin Rangooni
Justin RangooniPresident & CEOEnergy Storage Canada
Leone Benson-King
Leone Benson-KingVice President, Corporate ServicesEnergy Storage Canada
Jonathan Scratch
Jonathan ScratchSenior Manager - Market and System AdequacyIndependent Electricity System Operator (IESO)
Kyle Foulkes
Kyle FoulkesCOOSatgen
Mark Sidebottom
Mark SidebottomChief Clean Energy OfficerNova Scotia Power
Rory Cantwell
Rory CantwellChief Executive OfficerSWEB Development LP
Sean Fleming
Sean FlemingManaging DirectorABO Energy Canada Ltd.
Ben Kujala
Ben KujalaSenior Research LeadDunsky Energy + Climate Advisors
Drew Bernard
Drew BernardEnergy LeadLennox Island First Nation
Jennifer Gray
Jennifer GrayEnergy & Natural Resources Group Lead, Partner, Project ManagerMcInnes Cooper
Crystal Nicholas
Crystal NicholasPresidentWskijinu'k Mtmo'taqnuow Agency Ltd (WMA)
Josh McLean
Josh McLeanDirector, Priorities and IntegrationEfficiency One
Steve Parsons
Steve ParsonsCEO, Escamony Economic DevelopmentEscamony First Nations
Abhilash Kantamneni
Abhilash KantamneniDirector of Action ResearchEfficiency Canada
Corey Diamond
Corey DiamondExecutive DirectorEfficiency Canada
Michael Voll
Michael VollPrincipal, Sector Lead Smart TechnologiesStantec
Kyle Jones
Kyle JonesCivil DesignerStantec
Graeme Brown
Graeme BrownPresident & CEOSatgen
Ericka Wicks
Ericka WicksRegional Sector Leader, Energy Transition and Renewable EnergyStantec
Sven Cowan
Sven CowanCanada Program ManagerNV5 Geospatial
Christine Bonnell-Eisnor
Christine Bonnell-EisnorChief Executive OfficerCanada-Nova Scotia Offshore Energy Regulator
Matthew Upton
Matthew UptonClient ExecutiveMarsh Canada Limited
D.M. Stoneman
D.M. StonemanSenior DirectorICF Canada
Mathieu Lemay
Mathieu LemayCEO and Co-founderLemay.ai
Jamie Stephen
Jamie StephenManaging DirectorTorchLight
Jennifer Tuck
Jennifer TuckVice President, Government Affairs and CommunicationsPotentia Renewables Inc.
Nathan Ashcroft
Nathan AshcroftDirector, Low Carbon SolutionsSTANTEC
Vitor Gonzales
Vitor GonzalesOT/ICS Security AnalystSiemens Canada Limited
Mohammad Ali Raza
Mohammad Ali RazaPartnerCox & Palmer