Invest NI



Invest Northern Ireland

Invest Northern Ireland is the regional business development agency for Northern Ireland.

Our role is to grow the local economy by helping new and existing businesses to compete internationally, and by attracting new investment to Northern Ireland.

We are part of the Department for the Economy and provide strong government support for business by effectively delivering the Government’s economic development strategies.

Net Zero & The Green Economy

We support businesses to help reduce energy consumption and decarbonise their activities, contributing to achieving local and national government net zero energy by 2050 target.

We empower NI businesses to fully optimise the opportunities emerging in the Green Economy and the global drive to net zero.

We are committed to supporting Northern Ireland businesses with striving towards net zero, saving energy and reducing resource consumption.

To help you overcome challenges faced within your business and create solutions, we offer specialist expert guidance and financial support to help local businesses:

• Green their operations, reducing energy and resource costs

• Identify new market opportunities in the green economy locally and internationally

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