
Gerhard Andrey
Gerhard AndreyNational Councillor & Digital EntrepreneurLiip
Judith Bellaiche
Judith BellaicheCEO, National CouncillorSWICO
August Benz
August Benzstv. CEOSchweizerische Bankiervereinigung (SBVg)
Stefan Berg
Stefan BergHead of Product Management Wireline & Voice Enterprise ServiceSwisscom (Schweiz) AG
Stefan Blättler
Stefan BlättlerAttorney General of SwitzerlandOffice of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG)
Martin BosshardtAnapaya Systems
Maya Bundt
Maya BundtCyber Practice LeaderSwiss Re
Franck Calcavecchia
Franck CalcavecchiaCISOHopitaux Universitaires Genève
Olivier Curty
Olivier CurtyPresident of the Council of StateCanton Fribourg
Serge Droz
Serge DrozDirector, FIRST, Senior Advisor Cyber Security, FDFAFIRST / FDFA
Doris Fiala
Doris FialaPresident Swiss Cyber Security DaysSCSD
Urs Fischer
Urs FischerLeiter Business Development & InnovationHealth Info Net AG
Jacky Fox
Jacky FoxManaging DirectorAccenture Security
Sabrina Gantenbein
Sabrina GantenbeinScientific Collaborator SSNSwiss Security Network (SSN)
Nathalie Gratzer
Nathalie GratzerProject Leader National strategy for the protection of Switzerland against cyber risks NCSFederal Office for National Economic Supply (FONES)
Tobias Grimm
Tobias GrimmIndependent Advisory BoardSwiss CySec Map
Dr. Christophe Hauert
Dr. Christophe HauertGeneral secretaryLabel Cyber Safe
Andreas Hölzli
Andreas HölzliHead of Competence Center Cyber Riskdie Mobiliar
Chris Inglis
Chris InglisNational Cyber DirectorUSA
Klara JordanChief Puplic Policy OfficerCyber Peace Institute
Thomas Kühne
Thomas KühneCIOdie Mobiliar
Nicolas Lambelet
Nicolas LambeletCEOPlafida Société Fiduciaire SA
Felix Linker
Felix LinkerPhD student and scientific assistantETH Zürich
Victoire Massieux
Victoire MassieuxIT ConsultantTICTAC Services Ltd.
Susanne Maurer
Susanne MaurerEditor Corporate Communication / Moderatordie Mobiliar
Ueli Maurer
Ueli MaurerFederal CouncillorHead of the Federal Department of Finance
Nicolas Mayencourt
Nicolas MayencourtGlobal CEO / Program Director SCSDDreamlab Technologies / Swiss Cyber Security Days
Daniel Neuenschwander
Daniel NeuenschwanderDirector of Space TransportationEuropean Space Agency ESA
Adrian Perrig
Adrian PerrigProfessorETH Zürich