Cell cycle dynamics are coordinated by nuclear glutathione during regeneration

Cell cycle dynamics are coordinated by nuclear glutathione during regeneration

Sunday, June 23, 2024 4:30 PM to 4:50 PM · 20 min. (US/Hawaii)
Meeting Room 311
Genes and Genomes


Plants have an exceptional ability to regenerate damaged or lost organs with fidelity. This process requires coordinated cell divisions and cell identity changes to place the correct cell types at the right place and time. Questions remain regarding how cell cycle progression facilitates cell identity changes during regeneration. By creating novel single cell RNA-seq datasets to describe the cell cycle in roots analyzed in tandem with long-term time-lapse microscopy movies, we identify a potential role for glutathione as a moderator of fast divisions during regeneration. This, in turn, may mediate cellular reprogramming efficiency and could be linked to tissue repatterning.

Event Format

In-Person Event
In-Person Program Elements
Concurrent Talk