Workshop: Era of Single-Cell and Spatial Biology: Challenges and Opportunities for Plant Science Community
Monday, June 24, 2024 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (US/Hawaii)
Meeting Room 316A
Workshop Description: Methods for molecular profiling in a spatially resolved manner are rapidly evolving, making it possible to comprehensively characterize cells and tissues in mammals. However, the use of single-cell and spatial biology techniques in plant science has only recently started. Understanding the mechanisms giving rise to distinct cell types and characterizing the roles of each plant cell under a given condition remains a major goal for plant scientists. Although such biological importance has been identified and disseminated by plant scientists worldwide, it is a critical need that the plant science community gain a better comprehensive understanding of the potentials and challenges of employing advanced single-cell and spatial omics approaches to address plant biology questions. This event will begin with a short seminar and panel discussion on the current and future status of single-cell and spatial biology in plant science. The panel would consist of about 5-6 industry team leads and academic PIs, including 1-2 panelist(s) from the Plant Cell Atlas (PCA) community leadership team. After the introductory activity, each participant will be randomly assigned to one round table with one panelist stationed there. Every 10 minutes, each panelist will rotate to a new table thus allowing all participants the opportunity to learn about different aspects and technologies in the field. Over the final 15-20 minutes, each group will be asked to highlight 1-2 key takeaways including major (1) plant science questions that could be answered with single-cell and spatial biology approaches; (2) challenges; and (3) future needs, within the larger group.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: I have studied and worked in various parts of the world (Middle East, Europe, and America), and interacted with broad range of mentors, scientists, students and lab technicians with different nationalities, races, genders, religious beliefs, cultures, and languages. This makes my personal experiences very diverse in dealing with people of different backgrounds. The most important lesson that I have learned during time is that having more diverse people around makes the scientific environments much more enjoyable and productive. For organizing this workshop and co-organizer (panelist) selection, I will consider gender, racial, geographic, career stage, and institutional diversities. I will adhere to ASPB’s Position Statement on Diversity and follow the ASPB Speaker Selection Rubric. With a broad range of participants from diverse backgrounds, this workshop would demonstrate inclusive and equitable values in how different members of plant science community could work together and effectively contribute to one of the most important current topic areas in plant biology. During the 2-hour event, I will be fully committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices for all attendees to develop a psychologically safe and productive workshop environment. Since diversity drives excellence and promotes science, this interactive workshop will be an outstanding session during Plant Biology 2024.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: I have studied and worked in various parts of the world (Middle East, Europe, and America), and interacted with broad range of mentors, scientists, students and lab technicians with different nationalities, races, genders, religious beliefs, cultures, and languages. This makes my personal experiences very diverse in dealing with people of different backgrounds. The most important lesson that I have learned during time is that having more diverse people around makes the scientific environments much more enjoyable and productive. For organizing this workshop and co-organizer (panelist) selection, I will consider gender, racial, geographic, career stage, and institutional diversities. I will adhere to ASPB’s Position Statement on Diversity and follow the ASPB Speaker Selection Rubric. With a broad range of participants from diverse backgrounds, this workshop would demonstrate inclusive and equitable values in how different members of plant science community could work together and effectively contribute to one of the most important current topic areas in plant biology. During the 2-hour event, I will be fully committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices for all attendees to develop a psychologically safe and productive workshop environment. Since diversity drives excellence and promotes science, this interactive workshop will be an outstanding session during Plant Biology 2024.
Event Format
In-Person Event
In-Person Program Elements