The National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

Key Partner


The National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes  (NatPatSIP) are a key part of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy , and collectively form the largest safety initiative in the history of the NHS.

England’s 15 Patient Safety Collaboratives  (PSCs) play an essential role in delivering the patient safety improvement programmes, by identifying and spreading safer care initiatives from within the NHS and industry, throughout the health and care system.

PSCs are funded and nationally coordinated by the NHS England and NHS Improvement National Patient Safety Team and hosted locally by Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs).

The safety improvement programmes aim to create continuous and sustainable improvement in settings such as maternity units, emergency departments, mental health trusts, GP practices and care homes on positive safety culture, quality improvement capability, and system-level change.

The five National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes cover:

  • maternal and neonatal services;
  • managing deterioration;
  • medicines safety;
  • mental health; and the
  • adoption and spread of effective, evidence-based practice.

To find out more, visit  or contact your local Patient Safety Collaborative at

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