Murder In The Estate
Selected XR Development Market
"Murder in The Estate" is chapter 3 of four, which revealing defining moments in the development of Tel Aviv - both architecturally and historically, between the years 1909-1948.
All four episods happened in Rothschild Boulevard.
Chapter 3. - "Murder in The Estate"
On April 29, 1939, Avraham Fogel was murdered in his apartment in Ahuzat Beit ("The Estate"). His head was running with a hammer and in his clothes was an envelope with 200 lira, a large amount in those days. The mystery that shook the settlement was never been solved. In "Murder In The Estate" based on this true story, you will team up with the first detective in Israel, David Tidhar. In an accurate period reconstruction of the small neighborhood that became the metropolis of Tel Aviv, you will discover the stories of the pioneers, and maybe even reveal who the murderer is.