Selected XR Development Market
10-15 minutes, mixed reality immersive experience.
This 360° mixed reality documentary film tells the story of a couple faced with the extremely premature birth of their twin sons.
The director, Michael Kolchesky, a veteran creator specializing in 360° photography, - documented moments of the life she shared with her partner and the father of her children, during the three and a half months that their twin sons were in intensive care after their birth at 27 weeks of gestation.
In France, approximately 60,000 babies (8%) are born prematurely each year, or one every 9 minutes. Among them, 5% are very premature babies (between 24 and 28 weeks) or 3000 children. Of these 3000 children only 2100 will survive and only 1500 will survive without sequela
French version Pitch presentation;
English version Pitch presentation