OKUS FOKUS Immersive
Selected XR Development Market
Come meet the CHOREOGRAPHIC MUTANTS, these HYPER-DANCERS, hybrids and chimeras, who have abolished the laws of physics and biology. Dive into this DREAMLIKE ORGANISM and discover a universe composed solely of fragments of dance and OVERSIZED BALLETS. Using his own movements, this dancer will give life to this growing organism. The moving body is fragmented in the form of choreographic particles that multiply, merge, twirl to create this ecosystem from which new mutant individuals emerge. These hyper-dancers will be the protagonists of this HYPNOTISING EXPERIENCE. In addition to 360° linear experiences, these immersive ballets and this biological-choreographic body will be generated in real time by the performer/author playing the role of visual conductor to perfection. The interpreter will shape, molecules after molecules, experiments after experiences, gesture after gesture, a multitude of versions of himself.