I Saw the Future



[FR] En 1964, le visionnaire Arthur C. Clarke dévoile sa vision du futur devant les caméras de la BBC. Revisitant le signal transmis par ces premières images, « I Saw the Future » nous plonge littéralement à l’intérieur de la matrice sonore et visuelle constituant le coeur de cette archive. Ce film permet aux spectateurs de s'immerger dans un espace en 3D faisant écho aux prédictions futuristes d'un savant humaniste visionnaire.

[EN] In 1964, Arthur C. Clarke, co-writer of Stanley Kubrick’s on 2001: A Space Odyssey, reveals his vision of the future. Revisiting the signal transmitted by the first cathodic images, this VR experimental film literally plunges us into the sound and visual matrix at the heart of this achive. This film allows spectators to submerge themselves in a 3D space echoing the futurist predictions of a visionary humanist scholar.

Experience Location
Salon de lecture (Forum des images)
Lead artist(s)
François Vautier
Main cast
Pascal Bantz (music and sound design) - Arthur C. Clarke (BBC archives)
Artwork category
Technologies used
Sciences and technologiesSocial issuesSociety/Political
Estimated duration (minutes)

Distribution Strategy

Number of user(s)
Single-user experience
Device(s) compatibility
Oculus GoOculus QuestOculus Quest 2
Play area
Seated (360° chair)

Production Strategy

Production company(ies)
Da Prod (FR)