
-work for the development of the exports, establish collaboration and solidarity among members, -make studies and research concerning production and export, -organize activities such as bilateral meetings, trade mission programs, exhibitions to promote exports, -inform members on export procedures, regulations. Aegean region; thanks to its geographical location, is very suitable to grow many agricultural products. Turkey; - has 11th biggest agricultural economy in the world. -world's largest producer of hazelnuts, cherries, figs, apricots, quinces and pomegranates; -the second largest producer of watermelons, cucumbers and chickpeas; -the third largest producer of tomatoes, eggplants, green peppers, lentils and pistachios; -the fourth largest producer of onions and olives; -the fifth largest producer of sugar beet; -the sixth largest producer of tobacco, tea and apples; -the seventh largest producer of barley; the eighth largest producer of almonds; -the ninth largest producer of wheat, rye and grapefruit, -the tenth largest producer of lemons. -The annual exports realized by the members of Aegean Exporters' Associations regarding products mentioned above. Qualities produced meet the specifications of the importing countries with continuous investments by exporters to improve qualities even better.

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