Anatomy of a real world attack

Anatomy of a real world attack

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 11:55 AM to 12:15 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Luxembourg)
Main Conference Room
Keynote speech
Cyber attacks


In real-life exercises we always try to stay close to the reality but what does it means exactly ?

How it is possible to be inspired by threat actors and to bring added-value with offensive security approaches ?

Of course this can works only if you stay aware about the campaigns all around the world and this is the topic presented here:

What is a real world attack ?

During this talk Jean-Marie will present a short analyze on how threat actors are working in 2022 and will try to provide some ideas to anticipate the associated risks using an attacker's mindset instead of reacting.

"The best defense is a good offense! Well, that's true... but when used in a correct way"