Tuesday, May 14, 2024 11:10 AM to 12:10 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall G1 - 2nd floor
Birds of a Feather
Community EngagementDevelopment of HPC SkillsDiversity and InclusionEducation and TrainingPromotion of Young Talents
Members of under-represented groups often lack the availability of role models from within their minority. The HPC community is still predominantly white and male, making it challenging for young women to find female 'superheroes' with whom they can identify. Such role models are crucial for discussing topics like career planning and receiving advice. With this session, we aim to provide women the opportunity to meet such female HPC 'superheroes' from both academia and industry. These influential women are often well-recognized members of the community, for example, former invited or keynote speakers at ISC or SC conferences, PRACE Ada Lovelace award recipients, and/or holding key roles at their institutions.
This BoF session will be organized in an open, highly interactive format, similar to a Fishbowl or Lyceum discussion, where the featured 'heroes' on stage will rotate throughout the session and answer questions from the audience. While we particularly encourage early-career colleagues to attend, everyone is welcome. The audience will have the opportunity to influence who comes next on stage. Examples of questions for the experts on stage, mainly experienced female members of the HPC community, could include inquiries about their unique HPC skills ('superpowers'), which other 'superheroes' they have admired in their careers, and career advice they would offer to future generations. Speakers will be asked to provide short, concise answers to enable a lively discussion.
Targeted Audience
Early-career members of the HPC community are particularly encouraged to attend. We extend a special invitation to all female attendees and representatives of other minorities. We believe the discussion is relevant and can be potentially beneficial for individuals of any gender or seniority level, and we welcome everyone to join.
Pascale Bernier-Bruna
Comunication ManagerEvidenMarta Garcia-Gasulla
Researcher & Team LeaderBarcelona Supercomputing CenterRosa M. Badia
Group ManagerBarcelona Supercomputing Center, Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaEstela Suarez
ProfessorForschungszentrum Juelich GmbHMaria Girone
CEO of CERN openlabCERNKarina Pešatová
Head of Training and Education DepartmentVSB - Technical University of OstravaCristina Manzano
Data Systems ArchitectForschungszentrum Jülich GmbHCarla Osthoff
ResearcherNational Laboratory for Scientific ComputingSilvina Grad Freilich
Head of HPC and ModelOpsMathWorksLois McInnes
Senior Computational ScientistLois Curfman McInnes