The Green 500: Trends in Energy-Efficient Supercomputing
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 11:10 AM to 12:10 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall G1 - 2nd floor
Birds of a Feather
Optimizing for Energy and PerformancePerformance MeasurementSustainability and Energy Efficiency
With power being a first-order design constraint on par with performance, it is important to measure and analyze energy-efficiency trends in supercomputing. To raise the awareness of greenness as a first-order design constraint, the Green500 seeks to characterize the energy-efficiency of supercomputers for different metrics, workloads, and methodologies. This BoF discusses trends across the Green500 and highlights from the current Green500 list. In addition, the Green500, Top500, and Energy-Efficient HPC Working Group have been working together on improving power-measurement methodology. This BoF presents on-going improvements and case studies from sites that have made power submissions to the Green500.
Targeted Audience
Everyone interested in Green Computing and HPC system energy efficiency, including vendors, sites and academics.