Lustre in HPC, AI and the Cloud: Scope, New Accomplishments, Contributors and Roadmap
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall G1 - 2nd floor
Birds of a Feather
Extreme-scale SystemsHPC in the Cloud and HPC ContainersParallel File SystemsStorage Technologies and Architectures
Lustre, the leading open-source and open-development parallel file system for HPC is in use at 6 of the world’s TOP10 supercomputers but also at around two thirds of the TOP100 systems as well as at the majority of smaller HPC systems.
Lustre was historically driven mainly by U.S. National Labs but has widened its scope beyond its traditional stronghold to include high-end AI/ML and extreme cloud infrastructures. It is a community-developed technology with contributors from around the world. Lustre clients are available for broadly deployed instruction set architectures such as x86, Power and ARM.
At ISC 2024 BoF developers, administrators, users, and solution providers will gather to discuss new features, innovative developments and deployments as well as new challenges and the current status of the community that continues to drive Lustre forward.
We will focus on the recent developments and discuss how they will shape the next years of Lustre deployment around the world. We will address benefits, experiences and issues with the new Lustre 2.16 release that now provides full IPv6 and RHEL9 server support but will also discuss features of upcoming releases 2.17 and 2.18.
The session will start with a very short introduction given by the chairs to be followed by a few reference site updates and a presentation of the Lustre roadmap from the current release up to the first half of 2026 with a special focus on known user requirements and issue. The audience will then address und discuss concerns, requirements experiences and new proposals.
Targeted Audience
Providers of commercial and/or community-based Lustre deployments
Developers of features and/or tools for management and control.
System architects involved with proposals, design, deployment and evaluation of file systems
System administrators in charge of file and storage management
Representatives from academia with a focus on system architecture, operating systems and middleware