Workshop on Readiness of HPC Extreme-scale Applications
Thursday, May 16, 2024 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM · 4 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall Y10 - 2nd floor
Community EngagementDevelopment of HPC SkillsExtreme-scale SystemsOptimizing for Energy and PerformancePerformance Measurement
In November 2022 the first ExaFLOPS supercomputer appeared in the Top500 list, after many years of pursuing the exa-scale goal, and several more are expected within the next year. Now is the time for application software to demonstrate its readiness for extreme-scale computer systems composed from large assemblies of a heterogeneous variety of CPU processors and GPU accelerators. Europe has been addressing this challenge for the last eight years through its Centres of Excellence (CoEs) for HPC applications, funded to greatly extend the scalability of a large selection of HPC codes and improve their efficiency and performance.
To broaden this discussion to a larger community, this ISC workshop has been organised to provide a forum to consider common challenges, ideas, solutions, and opportunities from the point of view of HPC applications developers preparing for exa-scale. ISC is the leading HPC conference in Europe, gathering not only the main HPC vendors and providers but also developers and standardizing committees from programming models, compilers, and other system software. However, we still need one of the key players in this ecosystem, the HPC applications! With this workshop, we seek to cover this gap and expand the ISC conference to HPC code developers.
Targeted Audience
HPC applications developers (and users), both from academia and industry worldwide, primarily those already considering and preparing for currently available and forthcoming exa-scale computer systems.
Beginner Level

Marta Garcia-Gasulla
Researcher & Team LeaderBarcelona Supercomputing Center
Brian J. N. Wylie
Research scientistForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
Guy Lonsdale
CEOscapos AG
Lara Peeters
project employee scientific softwareGhent University
Niclas Jansson
ResearcherKTH Royal Institute of TechnologySB
Simon Burbidge
HPC ConsultantDiRACSP
Szilárd Páll
ResearcherKTH Royal Institute of TechnologyLCM
Lois Curfmann McInnes
Senior Computational ScientistArgonne National LaboratoryHK
Harald Koestler
ResearcherFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg