Plasma-PEPSC - Pushing Flagship Plasma Simulation Codes to Tackle Exascale-Enabled Grand Challenges via Performance Optimisation and Codesign
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall E - 2nd Floor
Birds of a Feather
Big Data AnalyticsDigital TwinsEmerging HPC Processors and AcceleratorsExascale SystemsManaging Extreme-Scale Parallelism
Most of the visible universe is made up of plasma, the fourth state of matter. Therefore, understanding our Universe and unlocking the nature of countless astrophysical, space, and atmospheric phenomena involves understanding plasma behaviour. Moreover, fusion energy research as well as an increasing number of modern industries critically depend on plasma science and technology such as magnetic and inertial confinement fusion, electric propulsion, biomedicine, food processing or chip manufacturing.
Thus, plasma simulations contribute significantly to several societal challenges, particularly decarbonisation through fusion energy, health and wellbeing through plasma medicine, as well as safety and security by understanding the effects of space weather on satellites and Earth-based communication and power distribution.
Plasma-PEPSC is one of four EuroHPC Centres of Excellence preparing applications in the Exascale era funded in the HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2021-COE-01 framework.
Plasma-PEPSC will provide efficient computational tools addressing these grand challenges. We focus our efforts on four European flagship plasma simulation codes with a large user base, BIT, GENE, PIConGPU and Vlasiator, bringing together a complementary and interdisciplinary team of world-leading domain scientists from plasma physics, HPC, computational science, software engineering, and data analytics.
Our interactive BoF will bring together the developers of the flagship codes, key Exascale software components (e.g. MPI, I/O libraries, etc.), the EPI, EuPILOT, and EUPEX and the user communities.
Together, we will identify the core challenges for the Plasma-PEPSC flagship codes towards use of future Exascale systems and foster exchange between software ecosystem developers, application developers, plasma scientists and the user communities.
Targeted Audience
Within EuroHPC, Plasma-PEPSC co-designs four flagship plasma simulation codes with the systems developed within EPI, EuPILOT, and EUPEX. We invite people with interest and expertise in Exascale computing, codesign of applications, algorithms and libraries, extreme data analytics, accelerators and heterogeneous systems to connect with application developers and user communities.
Beginner Level
Intermediate Level
Advanced Level
Michael Bussmann
Founding ManagerHelmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - RossendorfPM
Peter Messmer
Director HPC DevTech EMEANVIDIAHartwig Anzt
ProfessorUniversity of TennesseeNick Brown
Senior Research FellowEdinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), The University of EdinburghAnshu Dubey
Senior Computational ScientistArgonne National LaboratoryStefano Markidis
ProfessorKTH Royal Institute of TechnologyGabin Schieffer
Doctoral StudentKTHIvy Peng
Associate ProfessorKTHErwin Laure
DirectorMPCDFCarl-Martin Pfeiler
PostdocMax Planck Institute for Plasma Physics