Introduction to Networking Technologies for High-Performance Computing

Introduction to Networking Technologies for High-Performance Computing

Sunday, May 21, 2023 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM · 4 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall Y3 - 2nd Floor
Emerging HPC Processors and AcceleratorsExascale Systems


InfiniBand (IB), High-speed Ethernet (HSE), RoCE, Omni-Path, EFA, Tofu, and Slingshot technologies are generating a lot of excitement towards building next generation High-End Computing (HEC) systems including clusters, datacenters, file systems, storage, cloud computing and Big Data (Hadoop, Spark, HBase and Memcached) environments. This tutorial will provide an overview of these emerging technologies, their offered architectural features, their current market standing, and their suitability for designing HEC systems. It will start with a brief overview of IB, HSE, RoCE, Omni-Path, EFA, Tofu, and Slingshot. In-depth overview of the architectural features of IB, HSE (including iWARP and RoCE), and Omni-Path, their similarities and differences, and the associated protocols will be presented. An overview of the emerging NVLink, NVLink2, NVSwitch, Slingshot, Tofu architectures will also be given. Next, an overview of the OpenFabrics stack which encapsulates IB, HSE, and RoCE (v1/v2) in a unified manner will be presented. An overview of libfabrics stack will also be provided. Hardware/software solutions and the market trends behind these networking technologies will be highlighted. Sample performance numbers of these technologies and protocols for different environments will be presented. Finally, hands-on exercises will be carried out for the attendees to gain first-hand experience of running experiments with high-performance networks.
Targeted Audience
People working in the areas of high-performance communication and I/O, storage, networking, middleware, virtualization, cloud computing, deep learning, big data, and applications related to high-end systems including Newcomers, Managers, and administrators who are interested in familiarizing themselves with IB, Omni-Path, HSE, EFA, Tofu, Aquila, and Slingshot.
General knowledge in high-performance computing, networking, storage, and related issues. The tutorial is designed in a way to expose the topics in a smooth and progressive manner. The attendees should have a laptop/tablet to log in to a remote HPC system for the hands-on portion of the tutorial.
Beginner Level
Intermediate Level
Advanced Level