Conversations with Thought Leaders: The Shape of Things to Come

Conversations with Thought Leaders: The Shape of Things to Come

Monday, May 30, 2022 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM · 30 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Exascale Systems


The rise of AI technologies, the anticipated end of transistor shrinkage, and the explosion in IoT devices are just some of the most important trends reshaping the computer industry. But how will these emerging and future computing technologies coalesce to meet the challenges of this evolving landscape? Although the scope here is broader than the HPC space, the interplay between high performance computing and the rest of the ecosystem is bound to become more entangled as more powerful computing systems come online. In this session, four renowned industry journalists will be speaking to some of the most inspiring and forward-thinking business and academic leaders in the field about these topics. How do they see the computer space transforming itself over the remainder of the decade and beyond. Let’s find out.