Hybrid Multicloud HPC Solution

Hybrid Multicloud HPC Solution

Monday, May 30, 2022 12:00 PM to 12:15 PM · 15 min. (Europe/Berlin)
HPC Workflows


This demo describes a hybrid/cloud HPC solution that allows maximum compute flexibility and scalability allowing the deployment of HPC workloads over multiple cloud service providers in parallel. The solution is based on Altair PBS Works™ which enables the integration of various cloud platforms at the same time. As a first step our engineers perform an analysis of customer’s software and use cases against the different cloud platforms and highlight the most effective and efficient price performance combinations. Based on the outcome of the initial analysis the solution is then configured and implemented using the multi-cloud environment chosen by the customer. Altair PBS Works™ is then connected to the cloud providers of your choice through the use of Virtual Private Networks. Afterwards the Altair suite is configured to dynamically launch the compute nodes and/or Visual Nodes necessary to satisfy the requests of users' jobs for both calculation and remote visualization. The solution can also be seamlessly integrated with on-premise resources that can be leveraged for pre- and post-processing operations and/or for short-term calculations. • The main advantages of our hybrid multi cloud solution are: • cloud providers lock-in strategies avoidance/mitigation; • maximization of the ROI from software and compute nodes; • solution optimized for both hybrid and/or cloud environments; • maximization of the ROI for software licenses.