HPC Now and in the Future Using Omnia

HPC Now and in the Future Using Omnia

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 3:40 PM to 4:00 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall H, Booth J901 Ground Floor & virtual
HPC Workflows


This presentation addresses the following topic(s):

  • The next innovation: What will be the big news at ISC 2032? Be as specific as you can.
  • What under-appreciated aspects of data management are the real secrets to scalable computing?
The Omnia software project has created an open-source, community-driven software platform for managing HPC systems and resources that embraces the emergence of high performance data analytics and AI, as well as the sustained and growing importance of parallel simulation and high throughput computing. Omnia is designed with modern workloads in mind, using modern software tools and approaches to enable flexible configuration of Slurm and Kubernetes cluster from existing resources, embracing containers, accelerators, and other technologies important in current and future expected HPC workloads. In this session, we will cover both the present and near-term state of the rapidly evolving Omnia software, including the benefits to customers and the opportunity for customers and partners to contribute directly to advancing the project. Tune in to hear some known and possible future directions of Omnia, and get a sneak peek into the future of the Dell Technologies HPC systems portfolio.