Cx as a service for sustainable HPC research software engineering

Cx as a service for sustainable HPC research software engineering

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM · 9 hr. 30 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Foyer 3 + H - Ground Floor
HPC Workflows


Continuous Integration, Testing, Deployment and Benchmarking, for short Cx, are well known and established software development practices. In recent years these are also slowly gaining traction for HPC research software engineering. The lack of training, support from HPC facilities, and ready-to-use Cx setup are identified as critical by users for further adoption. The project “Cx as a service for sustainable HPC research software engineering” aims at providing and identifying a sustainable way for HPC centres to offer Cx services to the scientific community. Specifically, the project also focuses on offering possibilities and interfaces for a continuous evaluation of code performance to enable evaluating impact of code changes, known as continuous benchmarking, which has been identified as a key service offerable by HPC centres.

  • René Caspart (Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology)