Working with Proxy-Applications: Interesting Findings, Lessons Learned, and Future Directions

Working with Proxy-Applications: Interesting Findings, Lessons Learned, and Future Directions

Monday, May 30, 2022 4:40 PM to 5:00 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall H, Booth J901 - Ground Floor


This presentation addresses the following topic(s):

  • What needs to be done in software to reduce the widening gap between theoretical performance and actual performance?
A considerable amount of research and engineering went into designing proxy applications, which represent common high-performance computing workloads, to co-design and evaluate the current generation of supercomputers, e.g., RIKEN’s Supercomputer Fugaku, ANL’s Aurora, or ORNL’s Frontier. These scaled-down versions of important scientific applications helped researchers around the world to identify bottlenecks, performance characteristics, and fine-tune architectures for their needs. We present some of our findings which will also influence the next generation of HPC systems. However, not all aspects of these proxy applications are compelling, and to accommodate an extremely-heterogeneous future, we have to reconsider how to co-design supercomputers during the next decade. Hence, we will introduce a new kind of benchmarking set, which hopefully solves some of the open issues, and can be used to close the ever widening gap between sustained and peak performance of our supercomputers.