The Message Passing Interface (MPI): On the Path to MPI 5.0
Tuesday, May 31, 2022 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall E - 2nd Floor
The Message Passing Interface (MPI) API is the most dominant programming approach for HPC environments. Its specification is driven by the MPI forum, an open forum consisting of MPI developers, vendors and users. In this BoF meeting at ISC 22, we will first cover the recently released version of MPI 4.0, its features and its state of adoption. Following this, we will also take a look beyond MPI 4.0 and discuss the next planned steps for MPI that are currently under discussion, already shifting the focus to MPI 5.0, and we will solicit feedback for new ideas.
The MPI standardization process and the forum itself are open to anyone interested and new members and new perspectives are always welcome. As a third point, we will use this BoF Meeting to highlight the processes in the MPI forum in an effort to make the process more transparent and to make the forum more approachable for a wider community.
This BoF Meeting continues the tradition and format of MPI Forum BoFs held for many years, which all have been well attended and widely successful. The session will be led by Martin Schulz, the current chair of the MPI forum, with the help of leading experts on MPI who are active in the MPI forum. The exact list of speakers will be determined closer to ISC 22 based on current topics. Previous sessions featured speakers included William Gropp, Wesley Bland, Torsten Hoefler, Kathryn Mohror, Tony Skjellum, Ryan Grant, Marc-Andre Herrmanns and Dan Holmes.
The MPI standardization process and the forum itself are open to anyone interested and new members and new perspectives are always welcome. As a third point, we will use this BoF Meeting to highlight the processes in the MPI forum in an effort to make the process more transparent and to make the forum more approachable for a wider community.
This BoF Meeting continues the tradition and format of MPI Forum BoFs held for many years, which all have been well attended and widely successful. The session will be led by Martin Schulz, the current chair of the MPI forum, with the help of leading experts on MPI who are active in the MPI forum. The exact list of speakers will be determined closer to ISC 22 based on current topics. Previous sessions featured speakers included William Gropp, Wesley Bland, Torsten Hoefler, Kathryn Mohror, Tony Skjellum, Ryan Grant, Marc-Andre Herrmanns and Dan Holmes.
- Julien Jaeger (CEA)
- Marc-Andre Hermanns (RWTH Aachen)
- Martin Schulz (Technical University of Munich)