Khronos SYCL: Heterogeneous Programming in Modern C++

Khronos SYCL: Heterogeneous Programming in Modern C++

Monday, May 30, 2022 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall E - 2nd Floor


SYCL is an open standard modern C++ programming model for programming common hardware accelerators used in HPC. SYCL provides scientific programmers a vendor neutral way to code key algorithms for offload onto accelerators providing portability between different hardware. SYCL is a royalty free standard under Khronos and available for anyone to join. There are multiple implementations currently available, both open source and commercial, supporting a wide variety of hardware.

At this BoF, we will share an update from the Working Group of current standardization plans and briefly highlight new features and use cases of SYCL before opening the floor to the audience. We will discuss the SYCL features, tools and ecosystem and debate on what is needed to drive SYCL forward. We will end with a panel of experts with representation from SYCL implementers and application developers, who will take questions from the audience on all aspects of SYCL including specific SYCL implementations.

SYCL has emerged as a standard programming model enabling modern C++ workloads to be dispatched to heterogeneous devices and suitable for EXAscale computing. It has gained traction with the rise of implementations targeting accelerators from all major vendors. SYCL is a Khronos Standard language maintained by multiple members with the intention of leading the delivery of modern C++ code for dispatch and aims to converge with and help define heterogeneous parallelism in ISO C++.

  • Aksel Alpay (Heidelberg University)
  • Tom Deakin (University of Bristol)
  • James Brodman (Intel Corporation)
  • Michael Wong (Codeplay)