Quantum Computing Meets HPC, What now?

Quantum Computing Meets HPC, What now?

Wednesday, June 1, 2022 10:45 AM to 11:45 AM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall D - 2nd Floor
Quantum Program Development and Optimization


Quantum computing is currently gaining significant traction as an upcoming technology to help us push past the end of Moore’s law and the von Neumann bottleneck, at least for targeted, highly important applications, like in quantum chemistry or optimization applications.

At the same time, it has become accepted by the community that quantum computing cannot realize this potential without being integrated with HPC, or more pointedly, without becoming a part of HPC. Only this will enable us to fully harness the power of quantum computation as a powerful accelerator for existing workflows. In fact, this point has been driven by several high-profile whitepapers, BoFs, or workshops, from many active organizations in the field, including AQT, CSC, DTU, IQM, JSC, LRZ, and ORNL to name just a few.

However, while these whitepapers and activities clearly show the need and immense potential, realizing this vision is still far from complete. The reasons are manifold: quantum systems are not mature enough to allow true integration, the involved fields are still very separate with different languages and terminologies, operational demands vary widely, etc.

In this BoF, we want to take the next step beyond just merely stating why HPC-QC must happen, but to start a discussion on how this can happen and what possible pathways exist. We will invite a group of experts from both QC and HPC vendors, data center operators as well as leading scientists to discuss these questions with the goal of establishing a clear roadmap forward.

  • Laura Schulz (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre)
  • Sven Karlsson (Technical University of Denmark)
  • Martin Schulz (Technical University of Munich)