What can a machine learn about weather?
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 2:35 PM to 2:55 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall 4 - Ground Floor
Computing weather is a complex, coupled multi-scale problem with almost infinite
degrees of freedom. Numerical weather prediction models running on high-end
HPC systems use a combination of numerical solvers for differential equations and
empirical parametrisations to forecast weather at spatial resolution of around 10 km
for up to 10 days. Recently, the weather and climate community has begun to explore
many different ways in which machine learning could help improve weather forecasting
or make it computationally less demanding and therefore more energy efficient.
While some approaches are very successful others aren't and this leads to the
question of fundamental data properties that must be "understood" by a machine
to make a skillful prediction and estimate the uncertainty of that prediction.
What aspects of ML models do we need to focus on to achieve better results?
And can we assume that larger deep learning models perform better?