ESiWACE 2021 HPC Services for Weather and Climate Models toward High Scale Simulation on European Systems

ESiWACE 2021 HPC Services for Weather and Climate Models toward High Scale Simulation on European Systems

Exascale Systems



The Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe (ESiWACE) will push the global high-resolution demonstrators towards production-ready simulations on European pre-exascale and future exascale systems. ESiWACE2 will further focus on exploring and exploiting suitable innovative technologies such as DSLs, on the development of processing tools for more efficient I/O and visualization and on providing enhanced services, training and benchmarks for the community. During its second phase, a set of open HPC services dedicated to the Earth system modelling community in Europe are proposed. The idea is to create collaborations that provide guidance, engineering and advice to support weather and climate models. Three type of service are proposed: Service 1 dealing with model portability and refactoring; Service 2 on coupling, input, output and workflows; Service 3 for weather and climate benchmarking. The poster focuses on Service 1 and the newly granted projects for 2021 named: FESOM2, AGRIF, DALES and RTE+RRTMGP C++. For each project, the model and goals of the collaboration are presented to fostered other groups developing and maintaining weather and climate codes to apply to next project calls. We also provide the references to the success stories publication from 2020.