Medics on HPC: Bringing Supercomputing to the Next Generation of Healthcare Practitioners

Medics on HPC: Bringing Supercomputing to the Next Generation of Healthcare Practitioners



We are currently faced with an urgent need to bridge the digital skills gap for biomedical researchers and, simultaneously, have been presented with a timely opportunity to deliver an innovative training programme that will help meet this need at an unprecedented scale. Over the past four years, the CompBioMed Centre of Excellence has delivered training in high performance computing (HPC) using medically-relevant exemplars to the clinical and biomedical researchers of the future by integrating the research of the consortium with undergraduate education in universities. Training courses developed in this way have been delivered as part of the taught curriculum (education) and have also been offered as PRACE training courses (training) for HPC researchers wishing to engage with the field of biomedicine. Since 2017, over 600 students have been trained. The demographic of this cohort is ~50% female, improving diversity and inclusivity in HPC. We are currently expanding the programme to include the training of medical students outside their formal curriculum, to provide additional opportunities for acquiring and embedding HPC skills in their clinical practice. CompBioMed would like to help deliver the medical student education/training described here at medical schools across the EU, particularly in countries that would like to equip their clinicians of the future with the HPC skills needed to help inform the development and delivery of personalised medicine.