7th Annual High Performance Container Workshop

7th Annual High Performance Container Workshop

Friday, July 2, 2021 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM · 4 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)



Linux Containers have become an industry standard for sharing and distributing software. This workshop will create a space of interaction between field experts,end-users, and newcomers to discuss container technologies and their current and future challenges.

This workshop presents the current state of Linux Containers in HPC/AI, what challenges and research opportunities currently exist in the adoption in HPC/Data Analytics and how containers can foster improvements when applied to the field of HPC, Big Data and AI in the mid and long term.

The ecosystem is dissected into different layers (see below) within the workshop and presented as a curated set of lighting talks. This provides a holistic and state-of-the-art overview so that participants can make informed discussions on how to start, improve, or continue the adoption containers in HPC.

Visit the Workshop Website