The First Intelligent Aquafarm in the World: The Digital Revolution of a Seafood Company

The First Intelligent Aquafarm in the World: The Digital Revolution of a Seafood Company

Wednesday, May 11, 2022 4:45 PM to 5:15 PM · 30 min. (Europe/Madrid)
IOT Solutions World Congress
Room 1
Connectivity Solutions


Nueva Pescanova Group is a leading multinational company specializing in the fishing, farming, processing, and commercialization of seafood products. The company is also on a mission to become the most digitalized seafood company worldwide while optimizing aquaculture processes and improving the conservation of marine species through technology. This session will share the key elements of their digital journey, and its application to businesses and countries worldwide. Discover how they are leveraging IoT, AI and robotics to optimize and modernize aquaculture processes to control 100% of the processes automatically and in real time, improving the efficiency and sustainability of crops, encouraging business predictability, and guaranteeing food traceability.

Day 2 - Wednesday
Keywords/Topic Filters
CybersecurityData EncryptionLpwanManufacturingVehicle Telematics