Premium Support Partner


WSP is a leading mutli-disciplinary strategic advisory, technical advisory and engineering practice. We serve to partner with NHS Trusts, Boards and central NHS bodies to shape their services and estate from transforming clinical pathways to masterplanning, development control plans and through to sustainable operational management.

Our key objective of working with NHS Trusts is to enhance productivity and optimise optimise capital and revenue spend. Supporting the three big shifts of the soon-to-be published NHS 10-year long-term plan, we are able to support Trusts and ICBs in:

From hospital to community

  • The development of developing new care models, including developing Integrated Health & Care Hubs and associated infrastructure plans and business cases
  • Support operational teams in optimising existing assets and redesigning pathways
  • Have expert knowledge of planning tools to support data capture & strategic prioritisation of actions & investment for ICS Estate Strategies
  • Support future planning by facilitating focused strategy development sessions, creating positive momentum towards integrated solutions

From analogue to digital

  • The development of a digital Estates & Facilities Management strategy (EFM), supporting Trusts and Boards in firstly carrying out gap analyses and the requirement for interoperability with existing digital and operational priorities.
  • In collaboration with Trusts and Boards, develop a roadmap for the implementation of the digital EFM strategy identified in the gap analysis and level up processes including skills and training, governance, data management, installation and implementation of technology
  • Oversee the design development, construction and / or implementation process, supporting project teams and estates teams produce, validate and consume the data into their estates systems

From sickness to prevention

  • In-line with the DHSC’s elective reform plan, we are involved in planning, design & commissioning of CDCs to speed-up scanning of patients & prevent more acute illnesses
  • Deliver energy-efficient solutions for highly-serviced facilities, low-vibration structures & services to support sensitive equipment & controlled containment facilities
  • Design-in flexibility support technology advancements
  • Engage with interdisciplinary specialists from NHS Trusts, universities & industry to design environments that foster collaboration.
