18 Week Support
Key Partner
18 Week Support is the leading expert of insourced clinical services, adding needed capacity to The National Health Service (“NHS”) in the UK to improve patient wait times whilst delivering the highest quality of care.
Insourcing provides your NHS Trust with expert clinical teams to work in your department when you have spare capacity, typically weekends, whilst working closely with your in-house teams, pathways, and processes. We see new patients, including virtual clinics, follow-up patients and importantly perform a comprehensive range of day case and inpatient procedures across RTT, diagnostic and cancer pathways. This allows you to significantly increase the number of patients seen, reducing waiting lists, improve RTT performance, all whilst keeping patient treatment within your Trust.
With our bespoke insourcing service, we provide both weekend and weekday services and for some Trusts, we even deliver 7 days a week services. Over the years, 18 Week Support have developed strong working relationships with over 75 Trusts and Health Boards in the UK.
We offer a wide range of clinical specialities and support services within our innovative insourcing model. Each speciality is managed by an experienced clinical lead and our Head of Nursing. The services include:
- Gastroenterology & Endoscopy
- Ophthalmology
- Dermatology
- Breast
- ENT & Audiology
- Neurology
- General Surgery
- Vascular Surgery
- Urology
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Trauma & Orthopaedics
- Radiology
- Gynaecology
- Pre-assessment
- Plastic
- Cardiology