STREAM A: Joint forward planning: Working cross-sector to increase the number of healthy life years for both adults and CYP
Friday, October 13, 2023 12:10 PM to 12:40 PM · 30 min. (Europe/London)
- Involving elected members, local authorities, patient representatives and VCSEs in strategic decision making to ensure a holistic citizen-centred approach to service delivery
- Building awareness of the ways that individual organisations can have a voice in strategic planning without needing to be on the ICB board itself
- Looking beyond the NHS standard 5-year forward view to create a truly joint forward plan, rather than an NHS response to national strategy – how can we collectively build a system that works now, and in 2040 and beyond?
- Ensuring a joined-up approach to address the needs of under-25s in ICB forward planning
- Listening to and acting on the experiences and aspirations of CYP to coproduce plans and strategies that support them in improving their health and wellbeing