Interactive roundtable discussions, each 25 mins in duration, so attendees can choose 2 of the following topics:
1. Clinical nurse specialists and chief cancer nurses
Oncology nursing specialists are integral to an effective and impactful team. Are you making as much use of their specialist knowledge and expertise as you should?
Moderator: speaker tbc, Novartis
2. Listening to, understanding, and hearing the patient voice
*Session organised by HSJ in collaboration with AbbVie*
Shared decision-making and patient choice – what does this mean for patients and for clinicians and what opportunities exist for strengthening it in the forthcoming Cancer Strategy? With services stretched, how can we ensure best practice is implemented whilst also acknowledging the diverse range of needs for the those living with cancer?
3. Cancer Alliance & ICB co-working and alignment – what does this look like in an ideal world?
Moderator: Sunita Berry, Managing Director, Peninsula Cancer Alliance
4. Cancer genomics
How should genomics feature in our cancer programmes? How can we maximise the opportunity for precision oncology? What progress with whole-gene screening to help tailor care?
Moderator: Nirupa Murugaesu, Consultant in Medical Oncology, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
5. Tackling lung cancer inequalities
*Session organised by HSJ in collaboration with BMS*
There are clear inequalities in the treatment of lung cancer, from screening and diagnosis, access, treatment, and survival outcomes. How do we address these challenges, how do we ensure sufficient capacity both locally and within the system, and how can data be leveraged more effectively to inform solutions and strategies.
Moderator: speaker to be confirmed, BMS
6. Palliative care for cancer patients
This is a neglected area in terms of research and guidance. How can we create a positive environment for palliative and end of life care for cancer patients? What does ‘good’ look like? We’ll look at service requirements, optimising commissioning frameworks, and rethinking patient pathways.
Moderator: Jennifer Vidrine, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
7. Breast cancer pathway redesign – prescribing, treatment choices, and capacity optimisation
*Session organised by HSJ in collaboration with Lilly*
Moderator: Jyotika Singh, Senior Principal Consultant, HSJ/Lilly tbc
8. Optimising cardiovascular health for cancer patients
*Session organised by HSJ in collaboration with Accord*
Moderator: Siva Tharshini Ramalingam, GPwSI Cardio Oncology, Oxted Health Centre & Royal Brompton Hospital