Par Equity


Par Equity is a leading, early stage venture capital firm, investing in innovative, high growth technology companies. Based in Edinburgh, Par Equity focuses on the very best opportunities in the North of the UK and has already backed more than 50 companies across Northern Ireland, Northern England and Scotland.

Par Equity operates a distinctive hybrid investment model, combining the skills, expertise and contacts of the Par team and our wider Par Investor Network with the scale and fire power of our discretionary managed EIS Fund. This investment strategy, fusing the experience of the Investor Network with the professionalism and rigour of a traditional venture capital fund, is our Network Effect – a large and engaged pool of investors and mentors with a track record founding, growing and selling companies, who can add value throughout the investment life cycle.

Par’s investment activities are supported by the Scottish Investment Bank, of which Par is a tier 1 co-investment partner, and the British Business Bank, through its commercial subsidiary British Business Investments, launching a £75m investment programme in 2020 to develop high growth technology companies in the North of the UK.

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