Using the power of storytelling to be a successful innovator

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM · 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)


When entrepreneurs embark on a journey to take their ideas to market, they are first  inspired by other successful people, but will uncover many stories on their own about the problem they are trying to solve and their ecosystem. These stories must be shared to create a culture of innovation. When entrepreneurs solve problems, they should also be able to tell stories about their products and services. 

Stories are the oldest means of communication and are part of our daily lives. Oral communication, a form of storytelling, is the most effective tool to convince an audience. There is no better way to connect with each other than through a story. With the right storytelling framework, we can sell a project more effectively, or simply use it as a personal tool to become a more effective communicator.

In this session, our guest will talk about the importance of storytelling through his own origin story and what it takes to create a remarkable story that has an impact.