Pitch your innovative ideas!
Session Chairs
Rolf Morselt, Sales Manager Europe & Africa (IC Biomedical)
Daiva Dabkevicienne, Biobanker (National Cancer Institute)
Speakers and Presentations
- Joanna Glenska-Olender, QMS Expert (Wroclaw Medical Univeristy) - "New QMS tool from QM BBMRI.pl expert working group – Biobank’s Internal auditor - a practical guide"
- Oleg Granstrem, Director of Business Development (National BioService LLC) - "Building the National Biobanking Platform in Russia"
- Johanna Mäkelä, Director of Research and Services (FINBB) - "Fingenious®: One-Stop Access to Finnish Biobanks’ Samples, Data and Study Participants"
- Paul Bartels, CEO (Mogale Meat Co) - "The Tastiest BioBank of them all: Cultivated Meat BioBank"
Session Description
This session is dedicated to short pitches of cutting-edge ideas, products, or solutions that could impact samples, biobankers, researchers, patients, and downstream add to a healthier world. The floor is open for all stakeholders, from biobankers to vendors, from researchers to patients.