Creating Impact Without Shaky-Cam

Creating Impact Without Shaky-Cam

Sunday, August 18, 2019 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM · 30 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall 11 - Stage 2
Art & VisualsTech & Programming


Adding screen shake to convey mass and impact in your games is one of the first tricks you learn about when going into game development. But what if there's more than just screen shakes to juice up the feel of your game? This presentation aims to teach you about other effective delivery techniques to add that much needed "oomph" in your game's design by introducing and teaching you how to convey impact through time scaling, freeze framing, color flashing, shape deformation, texture swapping, jittering, gamepad rumbling and much more! All in runtime! After this presentation you'll have a plethora of effective methods to deliver the ultimate sense of mass and impact to the player.