Cognitive Science & UX in Game Development

Cognitive Science & UX in Game Development

Tuesday, August 23, 2022 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Stage 4
-All-Game DesignProduction & Team Management


User experience (UX) and cognitive science are becoming trendy in the industry, but how can these disciplines concretely help a team develop and improve a video game? UX and cognitive science combined are at the service of the intended design, and can provide very concrete and easy-to-use tips to anticipate and solve problems, sometimes even before the playtesting phase. This workshop proposes to delve into how the human brain works in terms of perception, attention, and memory (critical elements for UX) and offers a UX framework to use cognitive science/psychology knowledge and UX guidelines during the different development stages. The goal of this workshop is to provide participants with tools to significantly improve the experience of the game they are developing, as perceived by their target audience. This workshop will offer numerous examples, including from the development of Fortnite, to illustrate each point.

'- Understand the main characteristics and limitations of the human brain (in terms of perception, attention, memory, motivation, and emotion), and how they impact game development. - Learn what makes a game engaging (in terms of motivation, emotion
Session Type
Workshop (2-3 hrs)