Nurses: Inspiring stories for climate-smart healthcare
Friday, December 3, 2021 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Climate-smart HealthcareHealth Professionals' Sustainability Action
Nurses are by far the largest group of healthcare professionals and have been continuously voted as one of the most trusted professions worldwide. To make the healthcare sector sustainable, reduce its emissions, and adapt it to the challenges of climate change, it is essential to include nurses in the development of a sustainable healthcare sector.
This session will focus on how nurses can engage in sustainability efforts and will present real-life examples of successful projects led by nurses. Three Nurse Climate Champions will present their pro jects to improve health, protect the environment, and reduce the climate impact of healthcare provision.
Federica Pirro
Staff nursePrivate Hospital Dublin (Ireland)Siobhan Parslow-Williams
Quality Improvement Education LeadThe Centre for Sustainable HealthcareElizabeth Smith
Breastfeeding advocacy and culture lead for ScotlandScottish GovernmentCatherine Wood
Virtual Hepatology Clinical Nurse SpecialistRoyal Cornwall Hospital