Making PR Work for You in 6 Not-so-Complicated Steps
Monday, March 6, 2023 11:30 AM to 12:15 PM · 45 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Room 6+7 Combined, Floor 1 (Raum VI + VII)
Digital MarketingStrategy
Wondering why it’s THAT other tour or experience who always seems to get great features in the press? Do you shy away from PR in case it all goes horribly wrong? Or are you convinced you need to pay an expensive agency to get coverage? Well, you're in the right place. Catherine Warrilow and Bee Ludolf of daysout.com will be sharing a slice of their 20 years'+ experience and revealing where the hidden PR opportunities are that you can take advantage of right now. You’ll come away with everything you need to start getting great media exposure – this is an interactive session packed full of tips and hacks ensuring you're all set to get journalists coming to you for content! There will be a chance to test out ideas, ask questions and start creating your very own PR plan to take away.